You Know You’ve Been Reading Too Much Harry Potter When…

…you are lurking around on an innocent homeschool mom’s blog reading her list of subjects and curriculum choices and when you get down to the end of the list you have to read one line three times because you could swear that what she wrote down as “Music Appeciation” is really “Magic Appreciation.” Really.

2 thoughts on “You Know You’ve Been Reading Too Much Harry Potter When…

  1. Margaret says:

    Can there be too much Harry Potter? I am working on #5 and having meaningful literary discussions with #1 about them. Which characters do YOU like best?
    Sweet husband is reading CS Lewis to #1 and trying to convince him that real men read Laura Ingalls Wilder.


  2. Margaret says:

    Can there be too much Harry Potter? I am working on #5 and having meaningful literary discussions with #1 about them. Which characters do YOU like best?
    Sweet husband is reading CS Lewis to #1 and trying to convince him that real men read Laura Ingalls Wilder.


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