Two Down, Two to Go

Eleven years or so ago we were in the wedding season of life with all of our friends. Shortly after this, we entered baby season. We are now currently in graduation season, which isn’t difficult to understand given that we’re in seminary and Craig’s a high school teacher.

My brother-in-law graduated with his D. Min today in Kansas City (congratulations, Spencer!). We were going to go, but the girls have their end-of-the-year choir performance tomorrow afternoon and we couldn’t swing the drive time. So, since we ended up being home, we were able to make it to the first graduation (Covenant‘s) and first two graduation parties of the season. Both parties were ones we wanted to go to and enjoyed being at, but both wore us down in the introvert department. Still, they were fun and we’re glad we went (congrats, Mitchell; congrats, Rob and Claudia).

After the 80’s party tonight, I needed to turn around and take the babysitter home. She lives in one of the many surrounding St. Louis County townships that I’m not familiar with and, after dropping her off, I got badly turned around and could not figure out which direction was which. The car was almost out of gas and I was somewhere unfamiliar in the dark with no idea which way I should be headed. And I was dressed just like 1986.

I had a moment’s hesitation upon pulling into the gas station. I mean, I had to get out of the car and everything. While filling up, I realized that I could probably go inside and ask for directions to the interstate. And then I looked down and saw this:

80's Stylin'

I remembered how much purple eye shadow I put on and how frizzy my hair was and I had yet another moment’s hesitation before I took the plunge and walked into the gas station to ask for directions. Either that gas station lady has seen it all already or was just too bored to care. She was very nice, looked me right in the eyes as she gave me clear directions to I-170, and wished me well on my way out the door. I was so grateful to be pointed in the right direction, I no longer cared what I looked like walking back to the car.

Craig will attend Westminster‘s graduation on Monday, and we will all go to Wildwood‘s next Saturday. Then two more parties and that should wrap up graduation season for this year.

Now then, time to scrub off the purple and the glitter and go to bed. Night!

5 thoughts on “Two Down, Two to Go

  1. Megan says:

    Nope, not the CTS graduation… a CTS graduation party. Though showing up like this for graduation might have made the evening go faster. Or made it a lot longer. Who knows.


  2. Megan says:

    Yes. An 80’s party. I was referencing the previous post in which I was in search of a banana clip. I found one at Walgreens. 🙂


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