Yes, I Am *That* Conference Attendee

I am the Savvy Blogging Summit Attendee who:

  • Has not updated her blog in a whole week.
  • Has kept a blog longer than anyone else in the room.
  • Has done less professionally with her blog than anyone else in the room.
  • Had her introvert show up for dinner at the Mexican restaurant we went to tonight.
  • Realized upon arrival yesterday that she had forgotten everyone’s swimsuit but her own. Ahem.
  • Actually got in the hot tub tonight with her four kids (they in shorts/t-shirts).
  • Got back out 30 minutes later and remembered it’s cold in the mountains at night.
  • Walked out of the session on CSS and seriously considered 1) switching back to WordPress and 2) hiring a professional blog designer.
  • Walked out of the session on professional business law and seriously considered 1) hiring a lawyer and 2) canning the whole blog altogether.
  • Will forever be remembered by everyone in attendance when they listen to the audio recordings of every session and hear her coughing. And coughing. And coughing.
  • Got schooled by another blogger on the proper pronunciation of the word “niche.”
  • Looked it up online later and decided she was going to keep pronouncing it the way she’s always been because Professor Google doesn’t lie.
  • Don’t tell her otherwise. She doesn’t’t want to know.
  • Had a serious deadline due on Wednesday.
  • Knows it’s Friday and still hasn’t finished it.
  • Can’t stop coughing.
  • Only got 3 hours of sleep last night and is about to die.
  • Is going to bed really really soon.


14 thoughts on “Yes, I Am *That* Conference Attendee

  1. Bonnie Kline says:

    I’m sorry that it’s been rough, Megan. I’m praying that after a good night’s sleep, things look brighter for you tomorrow.
    If it helps, I was very overwhelmed by some of the things I learned today. I was asking myself, “Why am I here?” I think that once we get home and back into our routines, ideas will come and we can implement them one at a time.
    Get some sleep!!!


  2. MamaLaundry says:

    AND you are that conference attendee that brought the cutest ever business card holders! Thanks again!
    So absolutely thrilled I’ve gotten to hang out with you some. 🙂


  3. ValuesVal says:

    Loved chatting with you at dinner. So sorry you are a litle under the weather, and for what it’s worth, I think the niche think is sort of like tomato tomAHto. Like how some people say short lived and some say it with a long I. Or Route/Route 🙂


  4. Angie @ Many Little Blessings says:

    Loved this post! Thanks for your honesty! I felt so bad when you were having that coughing fit on the first night. 😦
    Oh, and for the record – you already know my stance on the whole niche pronunciation, and I think you’re just fine. I had never, ever heard it pronounced to rhyme with quiche until I started hanging out with bloggers. LOL 😉


  5. martha brady says:

    i laughed so hard when i was reading your blog today that i tho’t i’d fall off the couch! re the cough: maybe it turns out you are allergic to colorado after all, you know, with all that fresh air, aspen trees, beauty:) your body has adjusted so well to city life in st. louis that it just couldn’t take it. well, either that or the altitude!
    re niche: we were in dallas for the day yesterday and i bo’t a blogging for dummies book so i could read about it w/o needing a computer. i was reading aloud to my husband in the car so i actually had to pronounce the word. we got into a discussion re the correct pronunciation and laughingly observed that it might be the way angie and smockity described, but we just can’t do it with a straight face…or w/o felling like we’re putting on airs.
    at least if i know you will be in the building, i could go to the relevant conference and find someone who could intrepret? still trying to decide…and learn to be brief:( not today.


  6. mrs darling says:

    Well goodness now I wonder if I pronounce it right. I have always pronounced it to rhyme with B*tch! Am I right or wrong? Anyway it sounds like the conference was thought provoking any way you look at it! LOL


  7. Bucksome Boomer says:

    I love the business card holder, but now feel bad that you hauled the machine with you.
    I really enjoyed meeting you and your girls at dinner last night.
    P.S. Really, someone “schooled you?


  8. Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect says:

    I’m assuming that someone told you that it’s “neesh”? Because I hate it when people say it that way. I’m all for the hick pronunciation of “nitch.”
    Also – I have done WAY less professionally with my blog than anyone else who was there, too. So we were in the same boat!


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