Over the Hill?

We embraced our mid-30’s last Wednesday (I know, I’m 33, so technically not mid-30’s, but indulge me). We went to see Over the Rhine at Blueberry Hill. The concert began at 9 with an opening act and OtR coming on at 10.

Clay and Renae were there and had scored some seats at a table in which we managed to steal relief every so often from standing (thanks, Johnsons!), but when 11 o’clock came, we were toast. Though we were enjoying the concert, we left early.

We did it. We embraced the fact that we are not in the stage of life that can run the club scene at 11 and live to tell about it the next day; we left and didn’t regret it. I’m making up for it by listening to The Trumpet Child playing on the OtR site. It is now officially on my wishlist.