Happy Detox Day


My “Mom With Her Act Together” costume fell apart approximately five minutes after we left the house yesterday morning. We were on our way to a place I *should* be able to get to blindfolded, but I got distracted and missed the turn (which is a very major street). Instead of logically turning around and going back to that very major street, I decided to use my lack of instincts to get us lost get us there another way.

Because I’m all directionally savvy like that.

The girls had fun and we met our goal of trucking in a complete grocery budget’s worth of HFCS-laden items. I’ve learned I’m better at helping them budget their own intake of the stuff than I am at doing so myself.

Last night we took dinner to the Allens and the family they are living with right now. Here are the girls with baby Amelia, beautiful in her pink princess costume. She is such a precious baby. She still really needs our prayers.


9 thoughts on “Happy Detox Day

  1. Christy says:

    “I’ve learned I’m better at helping them budget their own intake of the stuff than I am at doing so myself.”
    Yeah, me too! As is evidenced by the rip-roaring sugar hangover headache I have today. And the kids are fussing up a storm. Detox Day is right.


  2. Chelsea says:

    Excellent Hogwarts costume!
    We had a blast trick-or-treating with the kids, but The Fireman melted down during the last five minutes. The evening ended on a sour note when I left the candy bowl out on the porch while I put the kids to bed, and I heard a raucous bunch of teenagers dump the entire bowl of candy into a pillowcase and run. I tried to go after them, but didn’t really. Instead I asked God to let them all have rotten teeth. Maybe I need to re-read those Beatitudes…


  3. Chelsea says:

    Excellent Hogwarts costume!
    We had a blast trick-or-treating with the kids, but The Fireman melted down during the last five minutes. The evening ended on a sour note when I left the candy bowl out on the porch while I put the kids to bed, and I heard a raucous bunch of teenagers dump the entire bowl of candy into a pillowcase and run. I tried to go after them, but didn’t really. Instead I asked God to let them all have rotten teeth. Maybe I need to re-read those Beatitudes…


  4. martha10 says:

    how funny that the “mom with her act together” costume fell apart. talk about true-to-life (at least for me!) ha!
    amelia looks so sweet in her costume. we pray for her often. m


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