Closer Encounters of the Contagious Kind

Sometime in October, I got a 24 hour stomach virus, but nobody else did. About a month later, Katie got one that nobody else did. One week after that, Chloe got one that nobody else did. So today, when Katie threw up in church and again in the van on the way home, we tended to her, but didn’t think too much about it with regards to the rest of us.

This one, however, appears to be of the contagious kind. How do I know, you ask? Just seconds after exiting a Target store at approximately 4:00 p.m. today, Chloe tossed her breakfast and lunch on the sidewalk just in front. Nice. And about two hours later, after eating a decent sized portion of mac and cheese, Maddie tossed hers.

Here we sit, bracing for it to circle its way around to Millie, Craig, and me. With finals week officially beginning in two days. Eeerrrggghhhh!!!