Important Things

Ballet Bags

Because sometimes the urge to create something comes during the worst possible week and there is nothing that can be done about it but to create it. And of course the girls all needed bags for their ballet shoes this fall, so it should have been on the list, even though it wasn’t…

16 thoughts on “Important Things

  1. Megan says:

    Thanks, Kristen. My favorite is the one in the middle. My goal was to use fabric I already had, so I resisted the urge to go buy super cute fabric when I had some that would do. Some of the fabric in my stash has been there for more then (ahem) fifteen years and every time I look at a new project I can see the other things that fabric has done before, which gives it all a fun significance too. I need to go ahead and made a fourth bag so that it matches in terms of style when #4 is ready for ballet. If I wait, I’ll forget how I made these as I didn’t have a pattern! 🙂


  2. Renae says:

    Oh, these are super sweet!
    Are you doing Log Cabin ballet, or is this through the arts school you mentioned in a recent post?
    I’d love to find a way to get our girls together again, and I wish we could do ballet over on campus, but most days it took us longer to commute back and forth than it did to actually take the class. On your recommendation, we’re looking into the arts school, although not for ballet or homeschool classes.
    Anyway, I love your handiwork. And I can empathize with the irresistible urge to work on a new project during super-busy times. I call it “coping.”


  3. Margaret says:

    These are beautiful! Honestly, you should sell them. I would buy them for my daughter (or better yet, suggest Grandma buy her one or threee).


  4. Megan says:

    Thanks, Kristen. My favorite is the one in the middle. My goal was to use fabric I already had, so I resisted the urge to go buy super cute fabric when I had some that would do. Some of the fabric in my stash has been there for more then (ahem) fifteen years and every time I look at a new project I can see the other things that fabric has done before, which gives it all a fun significance too. I need to go ahead and made a fourth bag so that it matches in terms of style when #4 is ready for ballet. If I wait, I’ll forget how I made these as I didn’t have a pattern! 🙂


  5. Renae says:

    Oh, these are super sweet!
    Are you doing Log Cabin ballet, or is this through the arts school you mentioned in a recent post?
    I’d love to find a way to get our girls together again, and I wish we could do ballet over on campus, but most days it took us longer to commute back and forth than it did to actually take the class. On your recommendation, we’re looking into the arts school, although not for ballet or homeschool classes.
    Anyway, I love your handiwork. And I can empathize with the irresistible urge to work on a new project during super-busy times. I call it “coping.”


  6. Margaret says:

    These are beautiful! Honestly, you should sell them. I would buy them for my daughter (or better yet, suggest Grandma buy her one or threee).


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